Hesemans Tours Review Zwergnase and Hermann Teddy
Travel report bus trip “Hesemans Tours”
Day 1
On Sunday morning september 24, climbed 30 ladies and some gentlemen in the Pelikaanbus to with a sophisticated (tight) program on Pocket, a visit to Hermann Teddy bears are going to bring to the factory in Hirscheid, Zwergnase dolls factory in Schalkau and the toy museum in Sonneberg …………………………………………………………
Before that, there had to be a lot of first kilometers to the town of Wellmersdorf. On the edge of a tiny village with narrow streets, where our bus narrowly through it could, stood a beautiful large farmhouse which was transformed to family hotel.
Frau Hartleb swung there the sceptre and that kept in very warm welcome to all its guests with care and were surrounded. And that was to note: the spacious rooms are stylishly decorated, the whole entourage is popperig cozy, the food is rich and blessed. Hotel Heidehof, eine Herrlichkeit!
Day 2
The next day to Hirschaid, Neustadt bei Coburg. This environment is the last years the Centre of all the dolls; in the distance we saw the factory buildings of, among others, by Gotz, Zapf, Angel and Hans Völk. Please find here (found) the birthplace of many darlings, which today with us in Netherlands on the shelf. Our goal today is the workshop of Hermann-Teddy.
Great amusement when taking the group photo. Get a hefty group released ladies but even neatly in the gelid (picture). There is always someone with a crazy face, or one who suddenly from photo-fear behind another crawls. You know a little more to the left, no that’s right, a bit lower, more by your knees, don’t push, au I get cramp. And finally the moment has arrived … …. The self timer flickers red. Johan takes a run and stands between. A glitzy photo!
Friendly received by the Director, artist (many designs we see back in the collections during all years) Mrs Mischner, we first were allowed to browse around in the Conference room, where on some shelves a large amount of unique show models. Some of them are the last instance that the sale is over. There are also prototypes, which never entered production.
This gives a wonderful overview of the entire collection of recent years. We followed with great attention the entire chapter of Mrs Mischner already walked by the large Studio and immediately “control” here and there. To my surprise it turns out, that a bear almost completely made by hand. From the cut of the fabric up to the locking of the bodice, by the use of the eyes to the embroidery of the nose, as well as the stuffing of the bodice. It’s all by hand. The multiple layers of components are not punched at each other like dolls, but are hand cut out piece by piece. At the stans would the method (long) hair of the mohair hit, which cut off the connection of the seams not would benefit. The stuffing with wood wool is done by a man who is strong as a bear and know exactly how far he has to go with the traffic work. This chore stipulates or the shape of the bear becomes as the designer has figured out. It requires strength, endurance and insight. I was coincidentally at the stuffing of a series of headings. My compliment: what I saw in the single basket, those heads all equally beautiful and evenly shaped.
The plastic eyes of the bear are on such a special manner, that they are practically not to remove. Because the Hermann Teddy bears are not just for collectors, but also for the little child, thanks to the careful production method. (no glass eyes)
Hermann Teddy has a number of design in service, which together create a unique alternate collection of bears. Mrs Mischner delivers beautiful designs, as well as Katrin Müller, which we will be making a visit later in the week.
Did you know that when the bear at all fits together, he immediately a brush turn. So one makes seams almost invisible and will see the bear there decent from. An original Hermann Teddy bear one can since the 90 ‘s identified by the small ribbed mini button named Teddy, which almost unobtrusively at the bottom of the mind of the bear is made.
in the afternoon we get a culture injection and are we treated to a visit to the old city of Bamberg, known for its architecture, its form of water management, murals and, above all, his beers and conviviality. The small, but extremely friendly, Dutch speaking guide Herr Peter Wagner leads us through one of the bridges over the Regnitz, right in the heart of Bamberg. It’s anything but boring to wander around here along the almost fairytale narrow streets with its square pebbles. Fachwerk, cheerful façades with exuberant painted letters, richly adorned with flowering bright red geraniums. Sun rays do coloured icons light up and the warm gold-coloured signs flickering in the eye. On the main square are we surprised by a beautiful Romanesque-Gothic Cathedral with four towers, the Bamberger Dom. This dom was eventually after many alterations and repairs in 1250 ad as “ready”. and was dedicated to Saint Peter and Saint Georg.
Once inside, my eye falls on the special decorations of the various altars. Especially the Weihnachtsaltar that beautiful wood carving was made by Veit Stoss; It dates back to 1520 and forms an impressive painted triptych with Golden frames. And then very specially the famous sculpture; the stone horse with its rider, that would be made from a piece of stone. The whole is high to a pillar. Interesting is also a well with accessories in the basement, that at one of the railings through a look down, is visible. It contains a natural spring, whose water is used for liturgical purposes. Such matters in a cathedral.
In the unlit catacombs at some cemeteries is a beautifully decorated in an alcove display case cabinet with a relic in it (a bot of a Saint). However, a bit macabre, such a large piece of bone. Must be mentioned, that a certain Pope Clement II, from Bamberg came from and that he was buried here after his death in this church.
A walk along the banks of the Regnitz, with the oldest residential-(s) and later the views of “little Venice” is certainly worth taking pictures. As the final piece of the tour, a walk through the private rose garden of Bamberg.: wonderful (scented) yellow and lilac roses, which as large as my hand; the still-coloured flowering rose beds, with here and there a romantic exposing figurine; the scattered benches and then the beautiful view: Bamberg, shining in the afternoon sun.
Day 3
After an evening of “cosyness” and the necessary laughs because of “flo-flo” and “de-mousetrap-on-sharp”, a new day breaks. The bus in brisk pace to Schalkau, where Nicole Marschollek-run in its factory and workshop, where dolls and bears..
Sylvia Natterer also leaves her darlings here. And not without reason. The motto here is not quantity, but quality. Of the most diverse materials are used for the accessories and high quality fabrics with small prints and beautiful colors. Especially the patience and precision, with which the painted faces of the dolls get their character and sophisticated choice in putting together the outfits, make that every pop with a soul is a work of art.
We look at the bears, with their lanky limbs, their long whiskers and their perky way they look at the world, then you fall for their charms. They are totally “Marschollek”.
We follow Maria and Johan, which explain during the walk through the factory.
Largely is to convert the “was”-pop in a regular pop of vinyl a traditional happen. The wasonderdelen hang in a heated acid bath that is kept in movement. By means of electrolysis is the liquid copper deposited on the wax pattern. This creates a mold, which allows more of the same parts can be made. The mold is filled with a mixture and turned around, so that the inside is covered neatly at all.. Then the moulds in the oven and on certain temperatures heated it is important to do this accurately and, above all, the cooling process to perform well so that the molded parts can be extracted from the mold nicely without discolored or burned.
OK, now we have the loose parts of the doll. If those are complete, the pop can be put together, unless parts of dust, then these must be sewn and sealed on the workshop. This is going by hand.
The Zwergnase-atelier is anything but an industrial happening where everyone in a tight rhythm has its own task. Here it’s more of a common workspace of a small number of creative collaborators, which together on projects.
I enjoy my ramble along the stuffed and crowded work tables. There is everything delicious together. Fabrics with exquisite patterns, clippings, sewing materials, hair bundles, rondslingerde this and that and here and there a half dressed doll. But o so smart are the decorations and the bright fabrics combined with each other to a wonderful, very helpful result.
Between all this is a young woman in utter concentration to paint to the face of a poppenkop. Tense we follow her brush strokes and try not to disturb her. Beautiful ….. On the poppenkop appears slowly a lively expression. Here is a character doll is born.
A little further on are funny ornamental buttons on an artistic knitted vest confirmed. Bears get their whiskers, nails and embroidered nose. They hang and listless in a basket waiting to be dressed and decorated. In a corner is a slim young lady with a big glasses on her nose, hunched over a deeply unwilling sew design. Then she suddenly jumps up and starts, all benend by the full space, instructions. It turns out Nicole Marschollek itself.
Only then she reacts on the circumferential visit. First what startled and shy, but, after one of us has made her a compliment about her work, a warm smile on it some strict face. The ice is broken and all attention Marschollek is pleasure. She retrieves her latest creation proudly emerged: a supplement to the series of Majken and Alfrieda. Kind answered she our personal questions while we get caught between the tables to but nothing having to miss her Life wisdom, perseverance, idealism and great artistry have in the last years the creations of Nicole on high level. The faces of her children’s figures interpret the clear plastic, uninhibited feelings of the average child. The composition of the dolls clothing is thought out and daring. It proves once again the child’s psychological Marschol leks by grounding, positioned and artlessly can express. On the other hand, do the dolls faces of Majken and Alfrieda with their sober lines more job on your own imagination. They were primarily intended for children, but also the collector sees bread in here. Bravo Nicole Marschollek. You very recognizable style is and remains unique! I enjoy to the fullest and would still like to look around, so many hours here dolls and so much beauty. The highlight of the visit is for me to be the short conversation with Nicole and together with her in the picture.
If we wander back into the bus, my looks to my new travel ever PAL, Fam in her red and white checkered dress. What a great hobby is this anyway. I lean back and relax all the bus I give me about to get bounced around by bus.
afternoon we went to the toy museum in Sonneberg. In the years 1890-1994 was Sonneberg the large development center of the toy and Doll industry. Unfortunately, there is no time to wander here to go around, looking for familiar names as Fleischmann, Piko, Steiner, Bernhard Hermann, but we will pay a visit to the museum. In a quiet suburb of ancient monumental houses, is the old museum with its neo-Baroque façade from the 1920s. Colossal and impressive. Majestic stairs, the smell of damp musty stone and rooms with high ceilings. You get almost tend to go whisper. Footsteps here sound hollow. There are not many visitors. Toys in different shapes and materials form the history of the development in the toy. The first forms of the doll for the child, long before the word toys existed. The first bow and arrow to mature quickly in a playful manner. Tin soldiers, but also beautifully cast pewter hand-painted decorative objects. A large collection of Tin toys, including toy cars, and fly roundabout, little machines, dinkytoys, plastik cars, model kits and a trains complex that with the push of a button the poem “on a small station, morning in the morning …..”revives. The cable car with weight, whole of mecano, load lifting and unloading itself does that impresses. Too bad I can not photograph here. Of course also come the bears and dolls. Unfortunately, the quality was less than I had imagined. If you’re ever in England or Netherlands itself to a dolls museum, you get here a scant impression of what there is about remained of all those glory of when. Also this museum should have it today by donations or grants. As a collector I feel a nice piece experience richer. Back on the streets is caught my attention by a shop with lots of wooden toys. The most fun colourful toys and Doodads blasting me. Unfortunately I have no small children in my family to be happy with a few yellow wooden ducks to a pull string. Just like those funny wooden stand in a circle and play a game of z that cocks do while under the sign a ball rondzwaait.
That same evening we can still contact Katrin Müller in her house or workshop.
The bus saves but just around all narrow roads and lusbochten. Katrin and her family live in a beautifully located mountain villa. The welcome and “wiedersehen” is very much indeed. (You’ll enjoy a small 30 people through your front door should light) Their home, garden and living witnesses of artistry and creativity.
That does not prevent, that you can clearly observe, that children are allowed to play freely here and that the cat is anything but shy. All together droves we the Hall within. I am almost squashed against a wagon with giant bear in it. Everywhere you look the most divergent bears curious. And we are looking ravished back because the Money also start here in your hand to itch. In a corner is run by Katrin will be shown a demonstration mini pottery. It seems so easy, but alas, what a steady hand you should have to such small pots so graceful, thin and evenly. On the dinner table a whole series, glassunthercoaster and gorgeous pieces of pottery with cheerful colors displayed. Small tea pots in different Palm sizes, small blakertjes (standaardjes candles), plates and bowls, which are simply modern but tastefully painted. While some of us try to look at the art of the drive spinning, swap we took turns of place to enjoy all kinds of bears and taking pictures. You have just lost your elbow as you are shooting. We enjoyed, even those who had not previously met Katrin Müller Hakimi in Breda. The busy day is rounded off with a viertel Weisswein.
The last night is a short with each other. We must again tomorrow early on.
Day 4
Pack Suitcases, quickly shoot a picture, say goodbye to Frau Hartleb and soon another game of home-made jam in the bag. The return trip is accompanied by many “what a pity”-s and “we didn’t continue a little longer”-s. a good sign, that the weather has been top. In the bus we can once more extended each other’s stories, share experiences, circular cookies and sweets.
What we had all enjoyed and also a lot of laughter. On the return trip was our driver so in good ones do, that he very smoothly for several hours neerpootte in the picturesque Limburg an der Lahn. A true attraction for photographers and Fachwerkhuizen by his many romantic people, specialties-shops, idyllic outdoor-restaurants as on the pebbles and romantic views to the river der Lahn. The late autumn sun gave this day an extra holiday touch. But everything comes to an end. With a festive farewell dinner late in the afternoon and a few hours later the many saying goodbye and wave goodbye, did a large group of people, who all had one thing in common: dolls and/or collect bears, how old or how young you are.
Big thanks to family Hesemans, who has realized this for all of us. Pictures speak for themselves. Thank you very much on behalf of all of us.
Jolanda Tijhuis
okt-nov 2006